Who is really an Igbo?

One of the most visible evidence that Nigerians are still under
the bondage of mental slavery is the “Who is really Eboe, Ibo
or Igbo?” question. Not may Nigerians know who is Igbo and
many believe Igbos are people from the South-East while
some people from the South-South say they are not Igbo.
I am not sure how many Nigerians have taken time to find out
the origins of their tribes and how the names came or where
the names were derived from. The legacy of slavery,
colonialism and neocolonialism has forced many Nigerians and
infact most black people to allow the oyibos and the slave
masters to think for us and write our history for us.
What many Nigerians today know as Igbo is people of the
South-Eastern zone whereas the British when they arrived
knew the entire Biafra territory as “Eboes” and the old Eastern
region as “Eboes” also. Unfortunately, for some weird reason
or perhaps mental slavery even educated people do not
answer these questions nor ask them.
A basic research on the Biafran territory and the Bight of Biafra
as it were before the coming of the British colonial terrorists
showed that slaves from both the Bight of Benin and Bight of
Biafra were classified as Eboes.
To better understand who is Igbo we must look at the question
from the British perspective and also from the assessment of
Frederick Lugard, the British colonial thug who was formerly
the Governor General of the Northern protectorate before he
was elevated to the post of Governor General of both North
and Southern protectorate that allowed him to carry out his
Also Read: Poverty, neglect, injustice drive new Biafra
protests in Nigeria
Frederick Lugard had in his book published in 1922 assessed
black people this way “His thoughts are concentrated on the
events and feelings of the moment, and he suffers little from
the apprehension for the future or grief for the past. His mind
is far nearer to the animal world than the that of the European
or Asiatic, and exhibits something of the animals placidity and
want of desire to rise beyond the State he has reached”
While I think Lugard may be correct but I also think he did not
have enough interaction with all shades of black people to
make such an assessment.Another key information to look at
in order to answer the Igbo question is to examine the
classification of the slaves from the Bight of Biafra during the
slavery era.In the Journal of the Royal Anthropological
Institute of Great Britian and Ireland, Pg 308 -it said “The
Eboes are a numerous and thriving people at Sierra Leone and
many of them have acquired wealth and influence. They come
from a country on the west bank of the River Niger, not far
from its fall into the sea, and those who inhabit that country
are described as tall and robust, capable of enduring great
fatigue, frequently paddling their own large canoes for forty-
eight hours without taking food”.This was published in 1886
when there was no Nigeria or South-South or Southeast - so
where did they identify the Igbos from?
If we also refer to the etymology of African races published in
1837 which said "Mr. Edwards, in his history of the West
Indies, says, that all the slaves brought from Calabar and
Benin to the colonies are termed Eboes, except a particular
class distinguished by the name of Mokos. (Prichard -1837)
The term Igbo had been used by the British to deceive us. The
Igbo term was also used to Brainwash and incite the likes of
Obasanjo, Gowon and Adekunle for the civil war. This you can
see when Adekunle in an interview said “I don't care if they are
ibos or not. I want to block all foreign aids from getting to that
part of the country as long as this whole people have not given
up yet”
If you have ever read about the Lander Brothers and their
voyages, it was recorded that the Lander brothers were
kidnapped by the King of the Ibos -in Brass circa 1830 - 1832.
Some of the History of the Lander Brothers were recorded thus
“ African tribesmen later accused Lander of witchcraft, forcing
him to drink poison to determine whether or not he was indeed
a witch. Since he survived, the charges of witchcraft were
rescinded, and Lander eventually returned to England (in July
1828). In England, Lander published "Journal of Richard
Lander from Kano to the Sea Coast" (1829) and "Records of
Captain Clapperton's Last Expedition to Africa, with the
Subsequent Adventures of the Author" (1830). http://goo.gl/
The long and short of this story is that the British had their
own problems with Eboes or Igbos. They also have places they
marked as being Igbos. It does not matter if the man from Ijo
or Ogoni or Ikwerre or Oguta says he is not Igbo, the British
have an idea of where they believe Igbos are from and work
with that. You may have noticed that an Ijaw man or Ogoni
man in Lagos is referred to as “omo Ibo” and referred to as
“Yamiri” in the North -how then did the stereotype come? It is
reasonable to assert that neither Gowon, nor Obasanjo nor
Adekunle had visited the Eastern region before the war, how
then did they know who was Igbo and who was not?
Gowon and other British lackeys were used during the civil war
to kill fellow blacks -none of them remembered Martin Luther
King Jr was fighting against Racial Injustice with the same
oyibo then. Gowon and his fellow British lackeys did not
remember there was something like Apartheid in South Africa
then and the likes of Steven Biko and Mandela were fighting
against it, but instead they joined the same oyibo to slaughter
fellow blacks based on the British engineered crap of Igbo or
not Eboe as the case might be. The Biafran war was perhaps
the first war of blacks vs blacks with oyibo fighting by proxy
and remember Lugard said “black people love weapons as
orientals love jewels”
One key thing you must observe is the effort of the British and
the BBC to see how they can limit the Igbos to the newly
created South-East and also limit the Biafra question to the
South East.This is a carefully orchestrated British fraud using
their lackeys especially in the North.
You may have noticed that the BBC and CNN and mainstream
media are not reporting the Biafra agitations and protests, this
is deliberate and you may also ask how they were able to
enshrine a sense of terror to the Biafra question in our minds.
Please don't get me wrong, Biafra can comfortably exist like
Arewa and Oduduwa but the “British engineered division” is
the problem. Till tomorrow morning, any major project to be
carried out in Nigeria or any black nation, the approval of the
former colonial masters are required. Example- in the news
about the Biafra agitation, the British will tell other countries
how they want it reported. If the BBC does not allow it, the
others will not, this is the same for other former colonies. FOR
You may have noticed especially those that live in oyibo land
that oyibos believe blacks are brainless-it all boils down to our
inability to read their leg. How can Scotland of less than 6
million people be looking for independence and a 49 year old
Cameron conducts a referendum? Whereas 75 year old
blackman called Buhari is shooting and killing fellow blacks
just for mentioning Biafra--have you wondered why? Is it not
as simple as a discussion to address the Biafra issue? Why
then is Nigeria afraid of discussing it?
The Igbo question is the biggest problem of the Nigerian state
and the British while secretly fighting the Igbos using the
Hausa/Fulani and other British lackeys are seen as though
they wished Nigeria, black people or the Hausa/Fulani well,
this is a lie.
The Biafra war if examined might lead to the British being
asked to pay reparations to the old Eastern region like the
Germans do to the jews but with the other Nigerians being
mental slaves, it has not been possible to discuss the war. No
one has examined why Hospitals, Schools, churches, markets
were bombed and unfortunately the likes of Gowon and
Obasanjo are still mentally enslaved to the British that they are
unable to tell other Nigerians what happened.
Also Read: Enough is enough, GOC warns Biafra agitators
It is pure gullibility to think that the war was fought by Nigeria
or Nigerians when the British Incited the war, provided the
justification for the war, imposed an air land and sea blockade
of Biafra, provided mercenaries, even gave Gowon loans in
addition to weapons to prosecute the war.
The idea that the North should work against any form of Unity
in the old Eastern region was also a part of British fraud and
treachery. They had claimed that the North had nothing and
would starve without the South but they carefully ensured that
Nigeria has only one source of foreign exchange earner - oil.
The same British that is telling the North they would starve
also has substantial interest in Zimbabwe that is not only
landlocked but also without oil to the point of looking to invade
Zimbabwe --Why do we allow them to deceive us?
The British told the North not to accept the Aburi accord that
would have prevented the war.
The British talked the North out of the oil sharing agreement
accepted by Republic of Biafra that would have also ended the
war. The same British engineered the demonization and
marginalization of Igbos after the war. How well has Nigerian
done since the war? What have they achieved?
Is it not pure black man's stupidity that another man from
England will come and tell you to stop a fellow black from
developing even when they have already developed and you
The same British brought the idea of rigging census and
election results yet in the UK every house and individual is
accounted for to a large extent. Are we not being deceived
Nigeria would have worked well if the British left it alone or
allowed it to run on truth and justice. The British knows that
sustaining the lie and injustice is difficult and that was what
they engineered which is what they did in India, Bangladesh
and Pakistan. The British did the same thing in Malaysia and
Singapore. They did the same thing in Israel/Palestinian areas
and it appears it is only in black Africa that the British is yet to
be defined as the evil they are.The day Nigeria can expel the
British serpent from its affairs is the day peace may become
Has anyone taken time to ask why things like true federalism,
accurate census, fiscal federalism, competition based
economy, diversified economy and transparent elections are
being avoided by Nigeria? Why do the British prefer the
lackeys of Obasanjo and Buhari era as our leaders? Do you
know? Have you asked?
If they can think of invading Zimbabwe just like that http://
goo.gl/l5FhL4 do we still have doubts that they have no regard
for black life and blood?
For those who spend time to say Biafra is Igbo or not should
better spend the time to look for how we can be together or
part in peace instead of allowing the oyibo insult our
intelligence just like that.
Also Read: Thousands protest in Nigeria for pro-Biafra
detainee, independence
The Biafra question is given too much prominence by the
British using their lackeys, it is to Nigeria and indeed all black
peoples advantage to revert to the regionalism we had that
made oyibo successful before 1960.Biafra was the name that
unified the people of the old Eastern region and that is why the
British with other lackeys are working to remove it by all
means and introduce the division. An 1850’s map of Africa
shows Biafra and the Bight of Biafra http://goo.gl/s8POuz .
The Bight of Biafra was renamed Bight of Bonny after the war -
What actually is the British trying to achieve with the lackeys?
If you checked the primary school you attended, it has
probably not been refurbished since independence. Most
colleges that were established by the oyibos before
independence are today eyesores with no known expansion
plans, have you wondered why?
The British make sure they pitch one ethnic group against the
other to ensure that black people remain in complete
darkness. The British manufacturers little or nothing today,
they go to China like we do and we need to cut off the British
stone around our neck if we must make progress. If anyone
thinks “One Nigeria” favours the blacks more than the British
is pure lie.
It is shameful that a Cameron who is 49 years old and just a
toddler when Buhari was already a coupist will today come to
order Buhari around. Imagine Cameron ordering Buhari to
arrest Nnamdi Kanu and he obeys and to make matters worse,
a President would have a section of his people angry over
something no matter how little and he is unable to address it
because Cameron has not permitted him to do so. If black
people can start asking basic questions like why the oyibos
will prefer one candidate to another and stop making blacks
objects of mockery and ridicule, that will be great. Those that
think Cameron was right in ordering Buhari to arrest Nnamdi
Kanu must also ask if a white man can ever be arrested
somewhere to make a white man happy.
Shouldnt the renewed Biafra agitation have been a time for
discussion if indeed there was anything called brotherhood in


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